Ruby on Rails Directory Structure
Setup Ruby on Rails in Ubuntu You can setup Ruby on Rails in Ubuntu by following the inductions in . Ruby on Rails Directory Structure After setting up Ruby and Rails, you can new a Rails app with command: rails new your_app_name . So you can see that rails generates automatically a bunch of directories and files. I will show you what they use for. |-- app | |-- assets | | |-- images | | |-- javascripts | | | `-- application.js | | `-- stylesheets | | `-- application.css | |-- controllers | | |-- application_controller.rb | | `-- concerns | |-- helpers | | `-- application_helper.rb | |-- mailers | |-- models | | `-- concerns | `-- views | `-- layouts | `-- application.html.erb |-- bin | |-- bundle | |-- rails | |-- rake | |-- setup | `-- spring |-- config | |-- application.rb | |-- boot.rb | |-- database.yml | |-- environment.rb ...